The following builds are feature projects by PrairiePirateYo on the Utopiacraft server. When other players join the server, their builds may be listed here. Prairie is always open to new suggestions.
Library Builds
PrairiePirateYo is a professional librarian who doesn’t currently work in a library. He likes to build libraries on Minecraft, because libraries come in so many shapes and flavors. Library architecture can provide so many interesting inspirations for Minecraft builds. Prairie is building re-creations of historic and current libraries, as well as his takes on fictional libraries from movies, books and pop culture.
Actual Libraries
- Trinity College Library, Dublin Ireland (built November 2020)
- Library of Congress
- Jimmy Carter Presidential Library (January 2021)
- Berlin Main Library
Historic Libraries
- Great Library of Alexandria (February 2021)
Fictional Libraries
- Library of Babel – based on the works of Jorges Luis Borges (ongoing)
- Sunnydale High library, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
- Hogwarts Library, Harry Potter series
- Memory Mansion, Little Big by John Crowley
- Jedi Library, Star Wars (same as the Trinity Library, see above)
Theme Libraries
- Haunted Librarian’s Mansion (October 2020)
- Undersea Marine Biology Library (January 2021)
- Bookmobile
Utopian Builds
Since the theme of Utopiacraft is utopia, the SMP will have a variety of re-creations of historic, current and fictional utopian communities. There is also a long history of utopian architecture to inspire builds.
Utopian Communities
- Drop City, Colorado
- Arcosanti
- Portmeirion, Wales
- Seaside, Florida
- Charles Fourier’s Phalanstere (main village, ongoing)
- Free Town Christiania, Denmark
- Auroville, India
Utopian Architecture
- Garden cities